How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation?
-Jane Austen
Here is how we prepare for a four month Middle Eastern sojourn. Call it a to-do list, if you will.

1. Buy oversized suitcases that will be impossible to lug through the streets of Cairo.

2. Pretend that we know where we are going and how to read maps. Well...let's just say one of us doesn't have a very good sense of direction. Ahem. Jessica.

3. Get evicted. Somebody forgot to put the rent check in the mail. Ahem. Jessica.

4. Eat as many American snack foods as possible. We will be living off hummus and pitas for the next four months, after all.
I love your blog site so far...are you sure you are not a journalist?
-Mom (Vicki)
I like liz and jordan and jessica
It sounds like tons of fun! I'm terribly jealous that you are having so much fun.
You should start a photo album so we can look through all of your photos. I got so caught up looking at the photos that I didn't end up reading the blog until later!
Not that I mind.
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