Then, it was haggling over a cab fair to Islamic Cairo, where we saw the famous Citadel atop Muqattam hill. Haggling over cab fair: 13 L.E. Entrance to Citadel: 20 L.E. Almost getting killed in Cairo traffic: priceless.

Done hanging out in churches and mosques, we walked along the freeway to Al-Azhar park, somewhat of a sanctuary in the desert. We enjoyed sticking our dirty feet in the fountains and watching all of the locals out picnicking on their day off. Thursday's the new Friday!
i can't believe you actually wore those ugly jeans. i'm sure liz highly disapproves of them as well.
it's true jes, I said you should wear long pants, but I meant in the leg, not the waist! :) I hope you are both having a great time!
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