
he nice, the jesus

Today we took a look into the competing religions behind the Egypt area. First we braved the flirtatious men on the metro to stop in Coptic Cairo. This was quite different from the rest of Cairo that we've seen and the first place we actually received friendly greetings from Egyptian woman!

Then, it was haggling over a cab fair to Islamic Cairo, where we saw the famous Citadel atop Muqattam hill. Haggling over cab fair: 13 L.E. Entrance to Citadel: 20 L.E. Almost getting killed in Cairo traffic: priceless.

The outer courtyard of the Mohammed Ali mosque. The limestone structure and cool breeze of this place was almost enough to consider converting. Though there doesn't seem to be much of a system, some women are made to put on a large green robe. Apparently, we were dressed modestly enough.

The inside of the Mohammed Ali mosque

Mosque of Al-Nasir Mohammed

Done hanging out in churches and mosques, we walked along the freeway to Al-Azhar park, somewhat of a sanctuary in the desert. We enjoyed sticking our dirty feet in the fountains and watching all of the locals out picnicking on their day off. Thursday's the new Friday!


Anonymous said...

i can't believe you actually wore those ugly jeans. i'm sure liz highly disapproves of them as well.

zenjabil said...

it's true jes, I said you should wear long pants, but I meant in the leg, not the waist! :) I hope you are both having a great time!